Treebath - Forest Therapy for Improved Mental Health

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Get Energized With Nature

"Research has shown that people with a greater sense of vitality don't just have more energy for things they want to do, they are also more resilient to physical illnesses. One of the pathways to health may be to spend more time in natural settings,"

Richard Ryan

It’s been proven that spending time in nature is a simple and effective way to boost your energy levels. "Nature is fuel for the soul, " says Richard Ryan, lead author and a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester. "Often when we feel depleted we reach for a cup of coffee, but research suggests a better way to get energized is to connect with nature."

Research has shown that there are heaps of health benefits to spending time in nature, from an increased resilience to physical ailments to greater feelings of pleasure and life satisfaction. And, let’s be honest, who doesn’t want some of that?!

But in today’s day and age, lifestyles are not necessarily suited to spending huge amounts of time outdoors; work, rest, and play can all be done from home, and many of us can easily go through the day with barely any exposure (let alone meaningful and mindful exposure) to the outside world. 

It’s time to change this, and that’s why we have simple ideas for every day of the week to get you up and out and energized, enjoying the wonders of the natural world!

7 Ways To Get Energized With Nature

  1. Have your morning coffee on the porch
    Instead of checking your emails whilst you sip on your morning coffee go and sit outside. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and take a look around at the start of a new day with a little extra energy to top up your daily caffeine hit. 

  2. Walk to work
    It really is that simple! Park a little further away or get off at the stop before your destination and finish your commute by walking the last 5 minutes to the office. 

  3. Work outdoors
    The wonders of laptops… Take your laptop outside and finish that assignment sitting on the grass and enjoying the crisp spring breeze gently flowing over you.

  4. Do a meditation
    With Treequility it only takes 10 minutes to get a dose of inspiration from nature! Download the Treequility app and enjoy a bite-sized Forest Therapy session during your lunch hour.

  5. Buy a plant
    If you can’t get out into nature, bring nature in to you! Fill your home or workspace with little pieces of nature so that you can easily have a mindful moment of Shinrin-Yoku anytime and anywhere. 

  6. Go for a picnic
    Connect with loved ones over the weekend with a springtime picnic date. Head to your local park (or even have one in your garden!) to enjoy connection and the wonders of nature all at once.

  7. Go on a notice walk
    Take a short walk and make it your goal to notice as much of the natural world as you can. Take in the colors of the leaves, the length of the grass, and the aromas in the air, and return home feeling energized and excited to get on with your day.

Nature doesn’t need to be your no.1 priority, but it should be up there! Lethargy and listlessness affect all areas of your life, and nature is a simple, free, enjoyable, and PROVEN way to combat these negative feelings.